June - 2007

Ride of a lifetime in a wheelchair

May - 2007

25 - Histopathology Muscle, skeletal--Muscular dystrophy - II

25 - Histopathology Muscle, skeletal--Muscular dystrophy - I

12 - Heart is a muscle too

12 - McDonalds and MDA - 1970

April - 2007

9 - DMD in a novel "Paginas da Vida" - Brazil

January -2007

20 - Muscular Dystrophy slows, but doesn't stop, Matt Johnson

8 - Darius Goes West the roll of his life

8 - Mesoangioblast therapy ( video load slowly)

Untreated dog

Valgus,GRMD dog treated with donor mesoanglioblasts; inset movie, Valgus before the first treatment

Varus, GRMD dog treated with donor mesoangioblasts

Vampire, GRMD dog treated with autologous genetically modified mesoangioblasts

Azor, GRMD dog treated late with donor mesoangioblasts; insert movie, Azor before the first tretament

Azur, GRMD dog treated late with donor mesoangioblasts; insert movie, Azur before the first treatment

8 - Muscular Dystrophy Gene Therapy: ScienCentral News Video